Pendampingan Ibu Hamil Dan Nifas Di Posyandu Kenanga 4, Dusun Glugo, Sewon, Bantul


  • Isabella Rahmawati STIKes Akbidyo Author
  • Yuni Fitriana STIKes Akbidyo Author





Stunting is a chronic malnutrition problem caused by lack of nutritional intake for a
long time, this causes future disorders, namely difficulty in achieving optimal physical and
cognitive development (Ministry of Health RI, 2018).
Monitoring of pregnant women and postpartum mothers is important in stunting
prevention. Stunting prevention starts from 1000 HPK by monitoring the health of pregnant
women to prevent anemia and chronic malnutrition, as well as preventing the risks that
can occur in pregnant women. Monitoring postpartum mothers is also useful for stunting
prevention, exclusive breastfeeding of infants can be the main source of nutrition for babies
so that babies get good nutrition.
This activity was carried out at the Kenangan 4 Glugo Sewon Bantul posyandu. The
implementation of service is carried out by visiting the homes of pregnant women and
postpartum mothers. The process of this activity was carried out with 2 visits.
Assistance activities for pregnant women and postpartum women at Posyandu Kenanga 4
Glugo Hamlet, Sewon, Bantul went successfully and smoothly. The activity went according
to plan and participants seemed enthusiastic about participating in the activity. The success
and smoothness of the event was marked by the willingness of pregnant and postpartum
women to be given assistance during pregnancy and postpartum to prevent stunting in
children both at home and at posyandu
Keywords: Stunting, Pregnancy, Postpartum


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