Pemberdayaan Jamaah Mushola ‘Aisyiyah Mitra Llhpb Pimpinan Wilayah ‘Aisyiyah Diy Dalam Pengembangan Eco-Mudhola
The affordability of the program to reach the branch or sub-branch level is very
limited because the regional scope (provincial scope) is so broad, so it requires
programs and assistance from universities to help affordability and transfer of
knowledge and information. Apart from that, another problem is the limited
knowledge, skills and information of 'Aisyiyah women about eco-mosques/prayers
and how to manage 'Aisyiyah prayer rooms with the concept of ecomosques/prayers. The aim of this PkM is to disseminate the eco-mosque/prayer
room program to all 'Aisyiyah branches and branches in D.I. Yogyakarta and can
monitor the progress of the implementation of the program. The solutions agreed
to be implemented in this PKM program include Socialization of the Ecomosque/prayer room Program; Eco-mosque/prayer room training includes 6 ecomosque programs; Environmental economics training for the eco-mosque
program; Training on creating eco-mosque/mushola social media platforms and
content; Training on creating eco-mosque/mushola health promotion media;
Yogyakarta eco-mosque/mushola competition; and Assistance with tools for simple
eco-mosque management (waste management tools). The activities that have been
carried out are on 17 August 2023, 3, 6 September 2023, and 3 October 2023. The
activities involve partners, namely LLHPB PWA DI. Yogyakata and the target of
the activities are representatives of the takmir or congregation of the 'Aisyiyah
mosque/mushola throughout DI. Yogyakarta.
Keywords: eco-mosque; mosque; prayer room; 'Aisyiyah, PWA