Remaja Sehat Bebas Kekurangan Energi Kronis (Kek) Dan Anemia
Adolescents are categorized as vulnerable to nutritional problems so that they are at risk
to health. In adolescence, the growth spurt and development of the body requires more
energy, and they like to try food so that there is a mismatch in energy intake and other
nutrients. There are three nutritional problems in adolescents in Indonesia, such as
anemia, obesity and chronic lack of energy. The method of activity is share the
information about balanced nutrion and discussion by one speaker. The media used is
power point. The target of this service activity is the students of SMP Negeri 2 Sewon
with a total of 49 teenagers. The implementation of the activity was carried out at SMP
Negeri 2 Sewon, Panggungharjo, Sewon District, Bantul Regency, D. I. Yogyakarta. The
participants of the service activity were very enthusiastic and able to understand the
material, as evidenced by the many questions asked and when asked again were able to
answer correctly. Students respond to the material by sharing experiences and
consultations related to balanced nutrition. Students were greatly helped by the
explanation of the resource person regarding the questions they asked, This activity is
very useful for schools and adolescents to create a great generation.
Keywords: Adolescent, Anemia, Cronic lack of Energy (KEK), Diet